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Mohammed’s Special Version of Support


Hey Mohammed, thanks for chatting to us today. So, how did you end up at Procim? What led you here?

I studied Computing at college which was the first step to my collision course with Procim. Although I ended up with a degree in Accounts and Finance, I was never able to shake my fascination of the IT world. Combining my interests in Information Technology and my higher education in Finance, it seemed like a match made in heaven for Procim. Procim is a mystical bond between information technology and numbers and I enjoy working with the two very much.

Your form of support is a little different from everyone else’s. Could you please tell us a bit about what you do?

I support our clients with queries relating to integration between Procim and external accounting Software, making sure the two are talking to each other. These queries come in all shapes and sizes via the phone and email. At times, one glance is enough to know how to solve the puzzle and other times, it can be really challenging. But that’s what I love the most about working here, there’s always little puzzles waiting to be solved.

You said you’re involved in Procim integrations, could you explain a bit about how the information flows between Procim and other integrated accounting packages?

Procim integrates with a range of Accounting software such as Sage, Xero and QuickBooks. Projects, sales/purchase invoices and expenses are just some of the transactions exported. To grant users control of this process, information is only transferred across automatically once approved in Procim. This removes the need to enter the same information twice as well as ensuring only approved transactions are exported. From a technical view point, there are multiple ways in which this is managed. Some integration setups utilize web services and for others, we use the methods made available to us by the software we are working with as this varies from software to software. For each integration, we test and document each setup thoroughly as any error on either end could lead to inaccurate data being transferred across so this is a crucial step, but strangely one I enjoy the most!

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